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Aaron O'Neil


Born in Australia, 1997

2014-2016 Studied at the Cyril Jackson Senior Campus, Perth WA


Aaron grew up in Perth until moving to Kalgoorlie for a few years. Apon moving back to Perth, he developed an intense love of numerous feilds of art and media. Focusing mostly on acting and artwork, he eventually gained an interest in photography, often taking hundreds of photos on his phone, and eventually accquiring a small digital camera with which to better capture his images.


Aaron has a particular fondness for capturing nature and landscapes, favoring the natural land, trees, rocks, water and sun over portraits. He also enjoys visually documenting sculptures, models and artwork he finds interesting, as well as sights he visits. Living in Perth gives him plenty of oppertunity to find material for photographs, given the vibrant and artistic nature of much of the city. He quite enjoys trying to photograph fire, though has yet to be entirely satisfied with his capability to capture it properly.

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